Mission Statement

Our Beliefs

We believe in one true, living God, known simultaneously to us as our Heavenly Father, the Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.

We believe that Jesus Christ willingly died for us, bearing the shame and penalty for our sins, so we could be set free. He rose from the dead to new life, conquering death for those who follow Him. Those who believe in Jesus, repent of their sin, and follow Him are reconciled with God the Father, and the Holy Spirit comes to live within them. Jesus gives them life, both abundant life and eternal life. God came as Jesus because of His deep love for all people.

We believe that the Bible is God’s Word. It is relevant today just as it was when it was written, and is our authority, our foundation, and our guide for living.

We believe that Jesus started the Church and serves as its Head. The church exists to nurture those involved, as well as to go and make more disciples of Jesus, to baptize them, and to teach one another what it means to live for Jesus.

We believe that though we live in this world, we are to do the work of God’s Kingdom according to what Jesus taught and did. That includes loving people, declaring the Good News, especially to the poor, proclaiming freedom for those imprisoned, sight for those who cannot see, and release for those who are oppressed.