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From Thomas Herr, Jr, Chalk Artist and Member at Nottingham Missionary Baptist Church, Nottingham, PA:

"I love serving with Haitians Helping Haitians. It is a joy to bring the gospel to the people of Haiti. HHH is making an impact for Christ in the lives of Haitians. I would highly recommend going and serving on a trip!"

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From Cindy Morrison:

"A Mission Trip to Haiti is a wonderful thing!  Everyone should experience this at least once in their lifetime.  God felt very close while I was there. Maybe because I was way out of my comfort zone and let’s face it – more times than not that is when we feel like we “need” God to have our back.  One of my Mission Trips involved a lot of painting – the kids and young adults in the area came and helped us and we just had so much fun getting to know them and teaching them some skills.  The Haitians were so very appreciative that we came and helped them, but I felt so very blessed to be able to do it; they learned some skills from us but we learned just as much from them. If you go on a mission trip to Haiti you will never be the same!"

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From Mary Louise Hostetter, Member at Willow Street Mennonite Church, Willow Street, PA:
"As I hold this child I'm thinking, this is Haitians Helping Haitians in action! Berta is a courageous woman who operates a school for children from the surrounding villages. She does this with less then minimal supplies! The staff works tirelessly in the oppressive heat with little or no pay. Food and necessities are in short supply! The children are joyful and respectful! I'm honored to have a teeny part in encouraging Berta! She's preparing the future leaders of Haiti! Early in the morning, Mama Estime's lilting voice resounds over her living area! The magnitude of her influence in the community is dawning on me! Mama reared a large family as a widow. Now they're grown and have become leaders in Haiti! But, she continues to welcome a constant flow, of the needy (homeless, hungry, handicapped and weary) into her home with minimal supplies! Once again, I am honored to be part of Haitians Helping Haitians!"
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From Pastor Joe Sherer, Pastor at Willow Street Mennonite Church, Willow Street, PA:

"Helping people is part of Jesus’ teaching to love others as we love ourselves. That becomes even more powerful when we enable others to help both themselves and others, for it builds dignity and self-worth and capitalizes on existing relationships and familiarization with the needs. This foundational philosophy is one reason I really like 'Haitians Helping Haitians.'”