Community Education Center

The Lord has blessed Haitians Helping Haitians with land in the village of Tiplas Mori. He has laid many possibilities on our hearts for this property. Here are some of them: Bible School: We envision a 6-month commitment where students will be taught and encouraged in their walk with God. They will have an opportunity to put in practice what they learn by reaching out in their communities.  Worship and […]

New Website!

Dear Friends, Haitians Helping Haitians now has a new website. Check here for updates, photos, contact information, or anything else you want to know about us.  

Final Day

It’s hard to believe that this has been our final day. We started early with a walk around the village of Montrouis. It is a more densely populated area than even meets the eye, and it was good to have a better perspective of the village. We left for the orphanage after breakfast. We shared the chalk drawing and message and also gave a filled bag for each of the […]